
What awesome creations Tracey! Love all of them, so very creative! I am sooo loving that moose, love his expression on his face!! LOL thats what I love about the doodlefactory stamps, they have personality!!
Please send us your mailing address and we will have your new set out to you ASAP!
Welcome to the next stop of the Arctic blog hop!
By now you have seen lots of great cards and are about half way thru.
You've still got much more to see, but for now why not take a minute and leave me a comment because I've got the CANDY!!
All you have to do to enter our blog candy giveaway is to post a comment on this post and tell us what your favorite image is in this set! One entry per person please.
And this is what you could win....
27 fabulous winter themed images from our DoodleFactory line:
If you have arrived here all by yourself and are just finding out about the blog hop head on over to our company blog for the starting point http://www.starvingartistamps.blogspot.com
If you get lost along the way here is the complete list:
Start Here: http://starvingartistamps.blogspot.com/2009/12/doodlefactory-arctic-blog-hop-and-blog.html
Juliana Swanson: http://stampinwinkyfingers.blogspot.com/2009/12/arctic-blog-hop.html
Donna Duquette http://deesstudio.blogspot.com/2009/12/brrrdoodlefactory-has-gone-to-arctic.html
Lori Tecler http://inkingaloud.blogspot.com/2009/12/doodlefactory-arctic-blog-hop.html
Lydia Fiedler http://understandblue.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-arctic.html
Tracey Berkey http://stampomatic.blogspot.com/2009/12/arctic-blog-hop-and-blog-candy.html
Jenn McMIllan http://jennmcmillan.blogspot.com/2009/12/starving-artistamps-blog-hop.html
Eva Andren http://muffinspyssel.blogspot.com/2009/12/welcome-to-starving-artistamps-new.html
Nina Aaslund http://krumelurkonst.blogspot.com/2009/12/one-day-doodle-factory-blog-hop-and.html
Dawn Mecedes http://dawnmercedes.blogspot.com/2009/12/brrrran-artice-blog-hop.html